I've rebooted many times after attempting different voodoo medicines. Extensis support only gives the same tips they've been handing out for years – none of which work. I've searched the web numerous times for help. I'd like to give you a concise list of what all I've tried but I've been messing with this so long I've lost track. I've tried numerous ways to remove the vault and these leftover fonts. The vault seems to be locked by some other process and also the leftover fonts that are there. The message: 'Could Not Open The Font Vault At This Location'. When I tried to open my new install, it wouldn't open. As suggested, I moved my font vault to a different location (desktop) and planned to move it back with fonts intact after my upgrade. This came about as I was upgrading from Suitcase version 5 to 6.

Once again ran into the remove font vault problem. However the version of Windows, or Mac OS, or version of Suitcase matters little since this has been an ongoing problem forever. Suitcase Fusion for Windows font vault problem.